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Charmaine Collison
(10 Reviews)

Pepperland - The Lowry, Salford Quays, Manchester - Saturday 30th March 2019

The title should give a clue that this music and songs are all from Sgt Pepper's album which as it came out the year I gave birth to my first child was not the album that meant as much to me as previous albums as life took on new directions. One of the Beatles biggest fans who trailed from Kensington to Heathrow in February 1964 to welcome them back from first American tour and climbing onto a roof we were not meant to be on to watch their limo depart we did get a wave and a smile from Ringo. However back to the show which captured beautifully the mood of the album with the psychedelic colours of the costumes and the dance moves which did have an echo of " high with a little help from my friends ". A very talented group of young dancers and a wonderful orchestra who brought the album to life for an appreciative audience.

Islands in the Stream - The Music of Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers

Motown The Musical - Opera House, Manchester - Wednesday 27th February 2019

This musical is pure magic buy beg borrow or steal a ticket but don't miss it as you will love every single minute. It would be unfair to name any of the amazing cast as all of them were excellent the singing ,dancing , sets and costumes are superb if you remember the 60's you will love the Radio Caroline and the bellbottoms memories.Just wish the show had lasted long enough to hear all of the wonderful motown classics instead of just a taste of each of them just made you want to head to town and find some cds. Really is one you don't want to miss. I score this full marks. Wish I could give it more.

Richard Blackwood & Kane Brown

Motown The Musical - Opera House, Manchester - Wednesday 27th February 2019

This musical is pure magic buy beg borrow or steal a ticket but don't miss it as you will love every single minute. It would be unfair to name any of the amazing cast as all of them were excellent the singing ,dancing , sets and costumes are superb if you remember the 60's you will love the Radio Caroline and the bellbottoms memories.Just wish the show had lasted long enough to hear all of the wonderful motown classics instead of just a taste of each of them just made you want to head to town and find some cds. Really is one you don't want to miss. Full marks from me - wish I could give it more.


Rough Crossing - The Lowry, Salford Quays, Manchester - Monday 18th February 2019

A lovely surprise when curtains opened to a beautiful set of a cruise liner very Art Deco in appearance but not sure the play deserved the set. Not one of Tom Stoppard's best works for sure. Charlie Stemp did a great job as the liner steward with some of the funniest lines. If farces are your kind of theatre then you will enjoy the show as it is well done and very attractive to look at

Trial By Laughter - The Lowry, Salford Quays, Manchester - Tuesday 29th January 2019

Trial by Laughter at the Lowry theatre is a wonderful play written by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman. The mostly young cast did a really excellent job of keeping the audience both interested and entertained.It is a fairly small group of players a couple of them having to take three parts though that wasn't really noticeable just saw that in the programme . It would be difficult and not really fair to mention anyone by name as all parts were taken brilliantly. The three trials of the same unfortunate man who by his satire had got on the wrong side of the government, the church and the Prince Regent were really well done. Set in 1828 but clever dialogue was able to give a gentle dig at modern-day institutions much to the amusement of the audience. A thoroughly enjoyable evening's entertainment.

Calendar Girls - The Lowry, Salford Quays, Manchester - Tuesday 30th October 2018

Lowry theatre absolutely packed on Tuesday night and every single person there loving every minute of Calendar Girls. Some familiar faces were there in the story and we felt we were there with them too as we followed the story of the tragic death of a husband and the desicion to raise money for a sofa in the relatives room in the local hospital. Tim Firth and Gary Barlow have done a wonderful job setting the story to song and music telling us about the feelings ,the enthusiasm ,the doubts and the thoughts of the husbands and children. Great performances from Fern Britton, Ruth Madoc and Denise Welch who had former cast members from Coronation the audience. The three youngsters in the show did a lovely job playing embarrassed offspring who came round to the idea. The calendar actual photo shoots were cleverly done and the cast were enjoying every moment as were the audience. The standing ovation was so deserved and lovely to see the original Calendar Girls take a bow. Full marks -  wish it could be more!

Fame The Musical - Palace Theatre, Manchester - Thursday 26th July 2018

Two words to sum up this show..Absolutely brilliant.The group of young performers were obviously loving it and thoroughly enjoying themselves and the dancing in particular was amazing and so perfect in every move.I don't think I have ever seen a more talented group and that's including the gymnastic moves which were faultless. It's a shame to mention individuals as they were all perfectionists but Jorgie Porter as Iris has the voice of an angel and Jamal Crawford's dancing and movements were brilliant.The "Fame" finale had the whole audience on their feet begging for more. One not to be missed and 10/10 is not really enough.

ART - The Lowry, Salford Quays, Manchester - Monday 26th March 2018

Art is very much a study in friendships and relationships brilliantly acted by Nigel Havers ,the friend who had bought a white painting on a white background with Denis Lawson and Stephen Tompkinson as his two friends with a variety of opinions about his painting.I think the majority of the packed auditorium were firmly on the side of Denis Lawson who proclaimed it S*** but we could kind of see how Stephen Tompkinson was trying hard to find something to like about it and not insult his friend’s taste.I think we have all been there in some respect.The set was pretty basic but lighting was cleverly used throughout. Well worth a visit to the Lowry that’s if you can get a ticket.

Fat Friends - Opera House, Manchester - Monday 19th March 2018

A wonderful night’s entertainment watching Fat Friends and also a night of surprises first of which was to see Freddie Flintoff in a musical ! However he did do a very good job as the leading man even though there were just the odd times when he looked slightly bewildered about what he was doing there but Jodie Prenger did a wonderful job as his other half both in her singing and dancing showing her considerable talent.Surprise no 2 was that Curly Watts (Kevin Kennedy)can sing and very well too Anyone who has ever attended a weight loss group of any kind could relate to this show and love every minute which the audience certainly did.Shedding as many clothes as decently possible before the weigh in would have rung a bell with many people. It was great to see the cast obviously enjoying themselves so much and showing how fit you can be even if carrying a few or quite a few extra pounds. The sets were really clever and so attractive especially with the clever lighting.Definitely one not to be missed.

The Importance of Being Earnest - Opera House, Manchester - Wednesday 14th March 2018

A wonderful evening’s entertainment at the Manchester Opera House watching The Importance of Being Earnest. It would be hard to pick out one cast member for particular praise as every single one of them did an excellent job but Gwen Taylor’s Lady Bracknell was spot on exactly as one would imagine her and Kerry Ellis showed she is not just a musical theatre star. The first act did an excellent job of setting the scene and by the second and third act the audience were loving every minute. Three sets in 3 acts with 2 intervals but the breaks were at appropriate times in the story so the extra interval was no problem. A truly enjoyable evening highly recommended.

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